Caramel Sauce
Caramel Sauce
Servings Prep Time
1cup 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
1cup 5minutes
Cook Time
  1. In a small saucepan over medium to high heat, add sugar and water and stir to mix only. Do not stir the mix again until the butter is added. Swirl the saucepan only.
  2. Continue cooking until the sugar has melted and the mixture turns a light amber colour. Note this will take between 7-10 minutes depending on how high your heat is set. Cook longer if you need to.
  3. Add butter and using a whisk, stir continuously until butter is melted.
  4. Once bubbling subsides remove from heat and add thickened cream. Stir continuously until fully combined. Set aside to cool
Salted Caramel
  1. If you want to make salted caramel sauce add this additional step
  2. Add sea salt and stir to mix through. Sat aside to cool.
