Mexican Chicken With Corn & Salsa Rice
Mexican Chicken With Corn & Salsa Rice
Servings Prep Time
4people 20minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4people 20minutes
Cook Time
  1. In a large bowl, add chicken, smoked paprika & cumin, Toss to coat the chicken pieces.
  2. Thread the chicken pieces onto skewers, then set aside
  3. On a BBQ hotplate, on high heat, add corn kernels and cook until the kernels start to char (around 5-6 minutes). Remove from heat and set aside
  4. Reduce heat and using BBQ grill plate, cook chicken skewers until browned and cooked through. Remove from BBQ, set aside and keep warm.
  5. Heat Mexican rice in microwave per packet instructions. Remove from packet and transfer to a bowl.
  6. Add kidney beans & coriander to rice in the bowl and stir to mix through.
  1. In a separate bowl, add charred corn kernels, red onion, tomato, avocado and lime juice. Toss to mix through.
  2. To serve, on a plate add chicken skewers with Mexican rice and top with salsa.
